Friday, March 20, 2009

My lifestyle rollercoaster

By Megan Risinger


There are many successes and failures I experience when it comes to health and wellness. For instance, last week I was very proud of myself for working out 3 of the days (now that coaching basketball has come to a close, I'm starting to use more of my time for myself and for working out). I feel better overall and I know that I am getting into shape and feeling good - I hope to keep it up! I have a race coming up, which is only a 3-mile race, but I still want to be able to feel decent while I run it (and if I get passed by an 80-year-old person, so be it :) While working out is an easier task for me, eating healthy is sometimes a challenge. I love the "bad" foods, but try to limit them as much as I can. Having a busy schedule and sometimes being more frugal - it's hard for me to cook that healthy meal people always talk about. And when it's just me who I'm feeding, I don't spoil myself with a good/healthy meal. I'm on the go all the time, and like most, I use that excuse quite often. I am health conscious, although I don't always follow through - that's better than nothing, right? I might go all out on a meal, so then the next few I know to take it easy. You can ask most people who know me and they'll tell you I love to eat! I have been working on eating better and adding more fruits and veggies to my diet (veggies are hard for me - I only have a select few I like). I know that we all struggle in areas here and there, so it's just best to keep your goal in mind and always be conscientious on how you're treating your body!

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