Wednesday, September 3, 2008

You are what you EAT!

By Annie Conner

I’m proud to say that our agency is in the midst of a "wellness" makeover. Fortunately, we don’t plan on it being a one-time endeavor but more of a way of life.

Our first step to altering our “business lifestyle” was to change the goodies that are brought in to the office. Many times throughout the week our kitchen table is FULL of desserts, candy and chips (my weakness!). These items are brought in with the best of intentions, usually as a way to get rid of weekend leftovers or as a gift from a vendor or customer. But as we all know, even the best intentions can have negative results.

Take me for example, when my mind needs a break from updating a seminar or reviewing regulations (studying FMLA regs can certainly work up your appetite!) I’d find myself wandering in to the kitchen just to “grab a snack.” By the end of the day, I would realize that I eaten approximately 5 snacks. Oops! I’d justify my lack of willpower by saying that I’m not eating them all at once but throughout the entire day which is better for my metabolism (isn’t that what most health articles tell you to do?). My office snacking habits were as absurd as my rationalizations behind them.

With the amount of yummy snacks brought in on such a regular basis, we decided that a change was necessary. As difficult as it was, we had to ban all unhealthy goodies from the premises. Yes, there was a small outcry but once waist lines started dropping and energy started increasing everyone jumped on board. The goodies were replaced by a fruit bowl which can appease a sweet tooth just as well as an Entenmanns Chocolate Éclairs can and doesn’t cause the headache that comes with a 3 p.m. sugar crash. Healthy snacks were welcomed and encouraged to share with everyone and we are even considering a “healthy food bakeoff” in the future.

Just one small step created a BIG culture change here at Conner. What has your organization done in order to incorporate health and wellness into its culture? I love hearing ideas and as I explained above, even the simplest ideas can have a positive impact. Stay tuned for more Lifestyle Steps here at Conner….